How to Interior Design With Wine & Whiskey Barrels

How to Interior Design With Wine & Whiskey Barrels

When you start to design the home you live in, you really need to define what kind of look you are wanting to showcase to anyone that visits your home. The two areas that you really should focus on are your kitchen and your living room. These areas are the most commonly used rooms in any home as they have the most traffic through them. This is why it is so important to start here when you begin your home decor adventure. 


Wine Barrel Date Night Package

Bottle Opener


A very simple but strong presence to have in your kitchen is the Wine Barrel Date Night Package, along with the Bottle Opener. We love to match these up as they go hand in hand. The best part is you can surprise your loved one with a cute date night in. It truly is the perfect date night surprise to spice up your love life! BONUS: it looks great in your kitchen. Your friends will be drooling over these pieces so much they will want it for themselves! Look at you go trendsetter!

Jack Daniels Bar Table

Jack Daniels Bar Stool

Moving onto a bigger set is one that can go into your kitchen or living room because it is so veristle! It is unbelievable. This is a unique show stopper that only few have. Impress your friends and guests with this authentic and verified Jack Daniel’s Bar Set! Perfect for any entertaining couple who host the best parties! Take advantage of our BOGO (Buy one get one) Promo for our Burgundy Oak items to scoop up the Jack Daniel’s Bar Set at a smoking price!

Wine Barrel Dart Board

Three Stave Chalkboard

Another two items that go hand in hand; the dart board and stave chalkboard! Add this to your home if you want a classic yet modern, rustic look present in your home. It does not matter if you are using it or not, it will be a piece of art in your home forever. Of course, these two items will also enhance any party you host! We know lots of laughs will be had with this combo.

These are any wine and whiskey lover goals, especially if you host parties at your home. Even if you don’t, you will be adding authentic and rustic pieces to your home that will grab everyone’s attention. You can proudly say that these products are built in Calgary, Alberta and are the real deal! No one can take that away from you. Grab these items together before February 6, 2020 to automatically receive savings through our BOGO deal online! Only applicable to all our Burgundy Oak products. 

Grab your must haves NOW!


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  • Ca Saundra Phillips
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