First Steps to Have The Best Sleep Hygiene

First Steps to Have The Best Sleep Hygiene
  1. Have a Mattress that gives you comfort and support so you wake up less and sleep more
  2. Pillow that supports your neck
  3. Mattress Cover to keep your perfect Mattress clean and last longer!

Keep reading to learn why these are the first steps for you to have the best sleep hygiene.

What is Sleep Hygiene?

When you have grown up having insomnia your entire life you learn about sleep hygiene and how crazy of an impact it can have on your life; good or bad. Since I have been perfecting my sleep hygiene to serve me to the fullest, I have some tricks for you.

Sleep Hygiene is all about making sure you are getting the appropriate amount of sleep you need by waking up and going to bed at the same time each night. 

I know sleep is usually easier for 95% of people in my life who do not have sleeping disorders, but even if you do not have a sleeping disorder there are ways to improve your sleep hygiene which you want because it will improve your life in all areas.

One really important step to ensure you have the best sleep hygiene is having the mattress that fits your needs. I have been on many different mattresses in my life until I found the kind of mattress that works best for me. This is where it is important for you to go into a store and try out mattresses to find the one that suits you best. The reason why it is so important for you to find the best mattress for you is simply for the fact that the more comfortable you are when you sleep, the less you wake up. The less you wake up the more you sleep! Which is what you want to achieve when you are missing out on sleep.

There is a reason why there are different kinds of mattresses to suit everyone’s needs. For example, I have a really bad back where if I sit or sleep on a mattress that is too soft, I will wake up sore and in lots of pain. So I prefer firmer mattresses so that my back is not affected during my sleep. With that being said, I know a lot of people that prefer a softer bed. This is why it is so important for you to go try out mattresses to see which one will serve you best. You can book an appointment at our head office location to try out all the mattresses we offer!

Next, you will want to invest into a mattress cover and protector. The reason this is important is because once you have found the perfect mattress for yourself you want it to last as long as possible and that is what a mattress cover and protector offers you. With the right mattress cover and protector, you will be able to keep your mattress clean from any dead skin you shed throughout the night, makeup you may wear during the day, any oils we all perspire at night. Your mattress cover and protector will make sure none of this substances gets onto your mattress, because once they get on your mattress it is almost impossible to get out. Mattress cover and protectors will also help prevent dust mite allergies from acting up. As well as helps protect your warranty for your mattress because any stain will void your warranty!

Last thing you want to research is the perfect pillow. You need to figure out is the proper pillow to work towards the best sleep hygiene you can have. Pillows that are too thin or too thick can cause you to have neck pain which will disturb your sleep. A great way to know what kind of pillow you need is to know what position(s) you are sleeping in during the night. Are you a back, side, or stomach sleeper? Another thing you can look for in a pillow is if it is designed to keep cool when you sleep. We have a few different pillow options for you to try out at our head office!

Now that is a great start to making sure you have the best sleep hygiene of your life. 

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  • Ca Saundra Phillips
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